Spring Landscaping, Committee Forming

The cherry trees are in full bloom in our community. They make the neighborhood so beautiful. A huge thank you to our landscaping committee who volunteered their time and toil and had the foresight to plant these trees and keep them healthy.


Neighbor Howard deLong has been out and about and spraying the emerging weeds in the community. The Board has engaged his services and he sprays the parkways, cracks and the RV park.

Cove Path Improvements

If you’ll walk down to the cove, you’ll notice that the path has been made smoother and easier to walk on by another resident who volunteered his time   

cove path

Arbor Vitae Trees Blue Heron Lane RV Parking

One landscaping improvement that you’ll see soon is planting of arbor vitae trees next to the RV parking lot on Blue Heron Lane. This will help visually enclose the parking lot and finish a project that was begun several years ago. The Board has sought several bids on buying the trees and hiring a contractor to plant them.

Future Landscaping Projects

If you’d like to volunteer and contribute time and planning to future landscaping projects, please contact a Board member as a landscaping committee is currently forming. One project idea is to do some landscaping to the catch basin at the corner of Mikayla Lane and Akamai Way. We have several people interested in being on the committee. The emphasis will be on low maintenance and cost effective projects for beautification. We will be discussing committees and you’ll have an opportunity to sign up at our May General Board Meeting.

One proposed landscaping project would be to do some landscaping here.