April 1, 2021: Landscape Committee Notes

Present were:  Joseph Downs, Liz Carter, Nina Carlson, Deb Marrow, Laine Lasker

Suggestions:   Map of irrigation, Call list for irrigation (in the event something goes wrong with the system and Howard is not available) List of current maintenance.


In addition to what Howard and Brandon do (see below): spot spray Mikakla, spot spray/ monitor Blue Heron Bank, Pocket Park, new plantings on Blue Heron.

Pocket Park:

Since it was graded it has turned into a dust bowl for the houses at the end of Blue Heron. Ideas to keep dust down:

  • Extent RV parking for smaller items (jet skis, kayaks)
  • Rock pocket park.
  • Lawn, irrigate.

Work Parties:

  • To remove dead Arborvitae and replace (donation for cost of trees)
  • Replace Leylands that were transplanted (donation for cost of trees)
  • Replace 2-3 Leylands that died in original planting (Blue Heron group purchased)
  • Park: replace trees that were removed last fall.  Suggestions for replacements: Dwarf Mugos, Lavender, Japanese Maples
  • Replace one Arborvitae at upper RV lot.
  • Replace one sprinkler that was broken during the work party last fall.


Deb Marrow volunteered to do the first spray of Round Up on the Pocket Park.  Will need another volunteer to follow up.

At this time the recommendation of the Committee is to not do any new projects until the entire maintenance scope is determined.


A summary of what Howard DeLong does:

Sprays: Both RV lots, Blue Heron down to the new Arborvitae Planting, Aspen Drive.

Irrigation: Turns irrigation system on in the spring and off in the fall, Monitors system throughout summer (repairs/replaces/cleans filters) including Aspen Shore Drive, Blue Heron and Park when needed. Howard replaced all the drippers on Blue Heron plum trees last year.

A summary of what Brandon does at the Park:

Monitors and replaces irrigation system sprinklers, cleans filter, oversees lawn mowing. 

The Committee will try to limit meetings and use email and text to communicate.